Customization Rules and Best Practices

General Rules

Development Process

In order to properly handle your customizations, you should have a total of three Priority installations:

  • a development environment one in which you develop your customization.
  • a test environment in which you or the customer run tests.
  • the production server for which the customization is developed.

After creating your customizations in the development installation, create an upgrade file and install it in the test installation. Only once you are satisfied with results should you install it on the production server.

Warning! You should never customize directly on the production server.

As revisions are maintained per user, it is imperative for all programmers to work in their own usernames while performing the programming.

Note: In order to execute a DBI operation – i.e., anything that affects a table, table column or key – you must belong to the privilege group of the superuser (tabula) and the PRIVUSERS system constant must be set to 1.

For more information on creating the revision and installing it on the test/production server, see Installing your Customizations.


The following rules apply to the internal names of all private entities added to the system:

  • They are restricted to 20 characters in length.
  • They may only contain alphanumeric values and the underline sign (no spaces).
  • They must begin with a letter.
  • You may not use a reserved word (a list of reserved words appears in the Reserved Words form — System ManagementDictionaries).
  • New custom entities (tables, forms, procdeures, reports, triggers, functions) must begin with a four-letter prefix (e.g., XXXX_CUSTOMERS). All entities created for the same customer should share the same prefix.
  • Sub-entities of standard entities (e.g., new column in standard form or report) should likewise begin with a four-letter prefix.
  • Any variable that you add to your code should start with the same four-letter prefix. If it does not, you run the risk of duplicating a system variable, which will have an adverse effect. It is not sufficient to check that such a variable does not already exist in the trigger, as it may be added in future software revisions.


  • Never INSERT or UPDATE data in standard tables directly. Use interfaces or other tools that interact with the form to insert data in standard forms.
  • Any LINK or UNLINK operation should be followed by a test to ensure the operation succeeded. Remember, a failed LINK operation could lead to overwriting data in the original table rather than the linked copy!
  • Do not write non-ASCII characters directly in your code. If you need to reference text that is unicode (e.g. a message in Hebrew), use the ENTMESSAGE function to insert it into a variable, instead.


  • When modifying tables, do not change standard table columns or any of the table’s Unique (or Auto Unique) keys.
  • You can increase the width of certain columns. We recommend you consult with Priority Software beforehand.
  • You can add nonunique table keys to a standard table. We recommend you consult with a DBA beforehand.

Rules for Columns

  • Decimal precision can only be specified for a REAL or INT column. Most columns have a decimal precision of 2. To designate a REAL number with indefinite precision, use decimal precision 0; otherwise, the number will be rounded up to a defined precision by INSERT and UPDATE statements. In the case of a shifted integer, decimal precision must be equal to the value of the DECIMAL system constant (or it may be 0, i.e., a regular integer).
  • Modification of a column affects all forms and reports in which the column appears.
  • You cannot delete a column that appears in a form, report or procedure.
  • You can only change the following column types: INT to REAL and vice versa (number conversion), and only during the development phase.
  • Text columns (i.e., CHAR columns) should not exceed a width of 120 characters.
  • Columns that are part of the SELECT statement of a SEARCH type trigger cannot exceed 59 characters.
  • You cannot add columns to system tables.

Rules for Keys

  • There may only be one autounique key per table. It must comprise a single column of INT type which does not appear in any other of the table’s keys, and it must be of first priority.
  • A table must have at least one unique key.
  • If there is an autounique key, it must be the first key (1) in the table and a unique key must be second. If there is no autounique key, one of the unique keys must have first priority.
  • The order in which key columns are designated determines their priorities.
  • The column to be included in the key must be included in the table to which the key is assigned.
  • If you add a column to a key without specifying column priority, it will automatically be assigned the last available priority (e.g., if the key includes two columns, the added column will receive a priority of 3).
  • Changing a key column’s priority will affect the priority of the other columns in the key.


  • Never use a standard base table to create your own form. Create your own table instead.
  • You cannot delete a standard column from a standard form.
  • When creating your own multiple joins, use a join ID and column ID greater than 5.
  • Forms cannot have more than a total of 10 outer joins (denoted with a ? question mark). This total includes both existing standard outer joins and those added by custom development.
  • Any trigger you add must start with a four-letter prefix or end with a four-letter suffix. Choose the first letter in the prefix/suffix for sorting purposes; the rest of the prefix/suffix should be the one normally used for this customer.
    Important note: SEARCH-FIELD triggers are the one exception to this rule, as their name cannot be changed. Instead, you have to use the standard trigger. This creates the slight risk that your trigger will be overwritten by a standard SEARCH-FIELD trigger that is changed in future software revisions.
  • Any form message that you add must be assigned a number greater than 500.
    Note: Certain forms, such as those of constants, have standard messages with numbers larger than 500.
  • Do not add standard forms as sub-level forms of other forms (standard or custom).
  • When using LABELs in your code, use numbers with at least 4 digits. This will prevent conflicts with the label numbers used in standard triggers.
  • To avoid unauthorized changes, any form that has triggers that insert into or update the USERS table is automatically designated as read only for all users except those in the system administrator group (tabula users).


If you revise a standard report, you must follow some rules to ensure that your customizations are not overwritten by future Priority releases:

  • Any columns that you add to a standard report must have an internal number (Col. Number) greater than 500. After assigning the column number, you will probably need to fix the position of the column.
  • If you add a join to a new table in a standard report, assign a Join ID greater than 5.
  • Do not change the sorting or grouping of standard reports. If you have to do so, copy the standard report and create one of your own.
  • You cannot delete a standard column from a standard report.
  • When creating your own multiple joins, use a join ID and column ID greater than 5.
  • Whenever you revise a standard report or write a new one, it is imperative to check the report's optimization. To do so, run the SQL Development (WINDBI) program (System Management → Generators → Procedures). From the Optimization menu, select Report Optimization and record the internal name of the relevant report.
  • Conditions and expressions cannot exceed a maximum length of 3000 characters.


  • You cannot revise a standard procedure. Instead, you must copy it and make revisions to the copy. If the procedure runs one or more reports, you may need to copy the reports as well (depending on the type of revisions desired; see Reports).
  • When creating a copy of a standard procedure that runs a program, do not change any of the parameters that are transferred to the program.
  • All procedures that include a form interface should include the form interface as a step, after an END step. This is utilized by the system for assigning permissions when running the interface.
  • You should avoid using a standard interface as part of a custom procedure, or your code may break in the future due to a change to the interface definitions.

Best Practices

For all intents and purposes, Priority’s SQL is a development language in its own right, and general best practices for writing code should be kept in mind.

  • Write reusable code. If you plan on using the same code multiple times, turn it into a function or buffer.
  • Write readable code. Use meaningful variable names and include comments.


The following recommendations are intended for new developers to avoid some common pitfalls.

  • Do not add multiple PRE/POST triggers for the same form or form column. If you need to add additional logic, add it as a buffer and include it in the existing PRE/POST trigger.
  • When adding/modifying functionality, include a comment that points towards the specification document or requirement that led to this addition/change.
  • Do not insert error and warning messages within the code being iterated over by a loop or a cursor. These will cause the process to hang while waiting for input from the user. If you need to display a message, escape the loop or wait for it to end, and then display the error/warning.

Further Reading