
Priority offers two special interface tools. The form load utility (INTERFACE program) serves both to import data directly into a Priority form (from an external text or XML/JSON file or an internal load table) and to export form data to a file or table.

In contrast, the table load utility (DBLOAD program) imports data into an interim table from a tab-delimited text file (Excel files can be converted into tab-delimited files using a utility program). SQL statements (a load query) can be recorded for the load and will be executed as it is performed. The table data can then be displayed in a form, in which further manipulations can be made (e.g., by using an Action to run a procedure), before it is loaded from the interim table into the appropriate Priority form using the INTERFACE program.

In fact, these two tools are often used together: the table load to add data to an interim table, and then the form load to load the data into a regular form.

You cannot change an existing form load or table load. You can, however, make use of existing load tables, interim tables and load procedures. Sometimes it is enough to create your own table load and use existing entities for the rest.

Important! The records stored in Priority tables are always inserted into those tables via Priority forms. Never insert records directly into Priority tables, as this will bypass the integrity checks and other actions defined in the form triggers. Even if you repeat all existing logic of the form in question, your code can cause bugs in the future. For example, if mandatory columns are added to the table in some future software version, with default values that are filled in within the form, this will be ignored by your code!

Further Reading