DBI Syntax


The Database Interpreter (DBI) program comprises a database language created especially for constructing and modifying database tables.

Syntax Conventions

In delineating the syntax for the Database Interpreter program, the following conventions are employed:

  • Anything within brackets is optional (e.g., [ filename ]). If brackets are omitted, the argument must be specified.
  • The “|” symbol between several options indicates that only one may be chosen (e.g., [ FORMAT | DATA | ASCII ]).
  • When a set of options is enclosed within curved brackets, one of the various options must be chosen (e.g., { form/trigger | form/form_column/trigger }).
  • Characters in bold must be specified exactly as they appear. Characters in italics have to be replaced by appropriate values. An underscore between two or more italicized words indicates that they should be treated as a single value (e.g., SQLI $U/query_file parameter).
  • All punctuation must be designated as is (commas, colons, parentheses, and especially the semicolon that is required at the end of each SQL statement)
  • Ellipses (...) indicate that several values may be indicated for the previous argument (e.g., table_name, ...).
  • In examples, curved brackets {} enclosing text signify a comment which does not belong to the SQL statement. Comments within SQL statements are enclosed within a pair of slashes and asterisks (e.g., /* Open failed; no record meets condition */).

Modifying Database Tables via SQL Statements

In addition to using the options in the Tables Generator, you can run the SQL Development program and modify tables by means of SQL statements, using the syntax outlined below, provided you belong to the privilege group of the superuser (tabula) (for details, see Installing Your Customizations).

Syntax for Tables

Create table

CREATE TABLE table_name [type]
column_name1 (type, width, [ decimal_precision, ] ‘title’)
[ column_name2 (type, width, [ decimal_precision, ] ‘title’) ]
[ column_name3 ... ]
[ AUTOUNIQUE (column_name) ]
UNIQUE (column_name, ... )
[ UNIQUE ... ]
[ NONUNIQUE (column_name, ... ) ]
[ NONUNIQUE ... ];

Delete table
DELETE TABLE table_name;

Change table name

FOR TABLE table_name
CHANGE NAME TO new_name;

Change table title

FOR TABLE table_name CHANGE TITLE TO 'new_title';

Syntax for Columns

Add column to table

FOR TABLE table_name
INSERT column_name (type, width, [ decimal_precision, ] 'title');

Delete column from table

FOR TABLE table_name DELETE column_name;

Change column name

FOR TABLE table_name COLUMN column_name
CHANGE NAME TO new_name;

New column width

FOR TABLE table_name COLUMN column_name CHANGE WIDTH TO integer;

New column title

FOR TABLE table_name COLUMN column_name CHANGE TITLE TO 'title';

New decimal precision

FOR TABLE table_name COLUMN column_name
CHANGE DECIMAL TO decimal_precision;

Change number type

/*from INT to REAL and vice versa*/
FOR TABLE table_name COLUMN column_name

/*only from INT to REAL; if already REAL, leaves as is*/

FOR TABLE table_name COLUMN column_name

/*only from REAL to INT; if already INT, leaves as is*/

FOR TABLE table_name COLUMN column_name

Syntax for Keys

Add new key to table

FOR TABLE table_name
(column_name, ...)
[ WITH PRIORITY key_priority ];

Delete key from table

FOR TABLE table_name
DELETE KEY {key_priority | (column_name 1, ... , column_name n) };

Change key priority

FOR TABLE table_name
KEY { key_priority | (column_name 1, ... , column_name n) }
CHANGE PRIORITY TO new_key_priority;

Change key type from autounique to unique

FOR TABLE table_name

Change key type from unique to nonunique

FOR TABLE table_name
KEY { key_priority | (column_name 1, ... , column_name n) }

Syntax for Key Columns

Add new column to key

FOR TABLE table_name
KEY { key_priority | (column_name 1, ... , column_name n) }
INSERT column_name
[ WITH PRIORITY column_priority ];

Delete column from key

FOR TABLE table_name
KEY { key_priority | (column_name 1, ... , column_name n) }
DELETE column_name;

Change column priority in key

FOR TABLE table_name
KEY { key_priority | (column_name 1, ... , column_name n) }
COLUMN column_name
CHANGE PRIORITY TO new_column_priority;

Further Reading