Executing the Form Load


There are a number of alternate ways to execute a form interface.

  • Run the Load Data program from the Form Load (EDI) menu. Indicate whether to import data (Load), load it a second time (Reload), or export data (Upload).
  • Activate the load from an SQLI step in a procedure or from a form trigger. To execute the load in this way, use the following syntax (parameters are explained in the next section):

    EXECUTE INTERFACE 'interface_name', 'msgfile', ['-L', 'link_file'], 
    ['-stackerr', 'stackerr_file'], ['-w'], ['-ns'], ['-nl'], ['-nv'],
    ['-noskip'],['-enforcebpm'], ['-t'], ['-W'], ['-m'],
    ['-o' | '-ou' [, '-f', 'output_file']], ['-debug', 'debug_file'], 
    ['-repeat'],['-l', 'table_name1', 'link_file1'], '-v';
  • Include the form load as an interface step (type I) in a procedure. You can use the same parameters as in the previous option, except that they are listed in the Procedure Parameters form (sub-level form of Procedure Steps).
  • Include the INTERFACE program as a step in a procedure. The first parameter must be the name of the form load. Thereafter, you can use the same parameters as specified above.

Note: The last three methods offer more options than the first.

  • Windows only: In addition, users can export data to an XML file from within a form, by using the XML File command in the Mail menu.

Form Load Parameters

  • ‘interface_name’ - The Load Name used to identify the form load in the Form Load Designer.
  • ‘msgfile’ - The file in which error messages will be recorded. This can later be used to display the resulting message to the user (e.g., "5 out of 6 records were loaded.").
  • ‘-L’, ‘link_file’ - Use this option when you want the INTERFACE program to refer to a linked file of the load table. ‘-L’ tells the load program to use a linked file, and link_filename is the file that will be used to link the load table.
  • ‘-stackerr’, ‘stackerr_file’ – Use this option if you want to have INTERFACE program error messages sent to a linked file of the STACK_ERR table. ‘-stackerr’ tells the program to use a linked file of the STACK_ERR table, rather than the ERRMSGS table, and stackerr_file is the name of this linked file.
    Note: When using this option, error messages will not be sent to the ERRMSGS table; thus, the INTERFACEERR report will not retrieve any values.
  • ‘-w’ - Use this option to have the INTERFACE program ignore warning messages (equivalent to the functionality of the Ignore Warnings column in the Form Load Designer).
  • ‘-ns’ - By default, the INTERFACE program displays a progress bar as the load is executed. Use this option to disable this utility.
  • ‘-nl’ - If the load program encounters errors, it generates an errors report. By default, each line in that report indicates the line in the load table that generated the error. Use this option if you don’t want to display the line number in the message.
  • ‘-nv’ - When a value generates an error from a CHECK-FIELD trigger, the errors report, by default, displays the name of the column and value that generated the error. Use this option to hide this information.

    Example: If you try to open a sales order for customer C000981 and that customer does not exist in the database, the error message in the report would be: "Line X - Customer Number C000981: Specified item not in database." If you use the ‘-nv’ option, the message will display: "Line X - Specified item not in database."

  • ‘-noskip’ - Equivalent to the functionality of the Do Not Skip Lines column in the Form Load Designer.
  • ‘-enforcebpm’ - Many forms use business rules (defined in the Business Rules Generator or the Data Generator), BPM rules and definitions of paths between statuses to manage business processes. As part of this process, the Business Rules Generator/BPM utility sends mail to designated users and/or external addresses. You should include this parameter when you want the INTERFACE program to apply any rules created in the Business Rules Generator and to run the BPM mechanism while loading the form data. If you do not include it, mail will be sent, but all business rules and BPM rules will be bypassed and defined paths will be ignored. This means, for example, that custom error/warning messages defined in the Business Rules Generator will be ignored, and that any status can be changed to any status (e.g., a customer shipment recorded against an order will change that order’s status to Closed, even though this status change is prevented by BPM rules).

    Note: Data Generator rules are not affected by this parameter as they are activated elsewhere in the code (after POST-FIELD). For details on the Business Rules Generator, the Data Generator and BPM, see the User Interface Guide.

  • ‘-t’ - When no file type is defined in the Form Load Designer, use this parameter to indicate that the file being loaded has tab separators. This option is useful when you do not know the file type in advance. In such a case, you must define form column positions in both ways (for both fixed-width and tab-separated files) and then include this parameter when the load is of a file with tab separators.
  • ‘-W’ - Use this option to display warning messages in the Load Errors report even if you defined the form load to ignore such messages.
  • ‘-m’ - Use this option to break up error messages into several lines.
  • ‘-debug’, ‘debug_file’ - Parameters used in debug mode; the INTERFACE program will write all operations executed by the form load into the specified debug file. This is similar to the other Priority debug tools (see Debug Tools).
  • ‘-repeat’ - Equivalent to the Reload option (when the program is run from the menu). Use this option to reload lines that were not successfully loaded in a previous run (see more below).
  • ‘-v’ - Use this option if you want the INTERFACE program to check the structure of the input file. If the type of a value (e.g., INT, REAL, DATE) is incompatible with the expected type for that position, an error is generated and the file will not be loaded.

Export-only Parameters

The following parameters are only relevant when exporting data.

  • ‘-o’ - When exporting to a file, the data will be written to the file recorded in the Form Load Designer using ASCII character encoding. When loading to a table, the program will insert records in the defined load table.
    Note: This option is often used together with ‘-f’.
  • ‘-ou’ - This is similar to the ‘-o’ option, except that data will be written to the file using Unicode (UTF-16) character encoding.
    Note: This option is often used together with ‘-f’.
  • ‘-f’, ‘output_file’ - When exporting data to a file (using the ‘-o’ or ‘-ou’ option), include this parameter to write the output to a different file than the one recorded in the Form Load Designer.
    Note: This is necessary when you have recorded a sample file (used to define XML tags) in the Form Load Designer.
  • ‘-l’ (lowercase "L"), ‘table_name’, ‘link_file’ - Use this option when you want the INTERFACE program to export data to a linked copy of the load table. You can then use the data in the linked copy of the table and manipulate it. When using this option, ‘-L’ needs to be provided with a linked table with a list of records from the base table of the first form in the load.

Dealing With Errors and Reloading

If errors were encountered by the INTERFACE program, they can be found in the Load Errors report (INTERFACEERR). These errors are saved in the ERRMSGS table, which consists of the columns: LINE, TYPE, MESSAGE and USER. The unique key of this table is USER,TYPE,LINE. That is because this table stores messages from many types of system programs, and the messages are unique to each user. That is, two different users can run the INTERFACE program, and each will see only messages from his/her own load. The type for errors generated by the INTERFACE program is i.

There are various methods of displaying error messages to your own customers. Here are a number of suggestions:

  • In the error message you create, refer explicitly to the errors report, using its entity name {INTERFACEERR.R}. The entity title will then appear to the user with a link to the report. All the user needs to do is click on the link.
  • Include the INTERFACERR report as a procedure step, using GOTO to skip this step if there are no errors.
  • Link the errors report to the same menu as the procedure that runs the load.
  • In a procedure query, define a MSG parameter of ASCII type. Then use SELECT MESSAGE FROM ERRMSGS WHERE TYPE = ‘i’ AND USER = SQL.USER ASCII :$.MSG; and pass the MSG parameter to a PRINT procedure step.
  • If you know there will be no more than one error message, you can use SELECT MESSAGE INTO :PAR1 FROM ERRMSGS WHERE TYPE = ‘i’ AND USER = SQL.USER AND LINE = 1; and then use ERRMSG to display the message.

If some of the records were not successfully loaded, you may execute the same load again, with the same data, using the Reload or ‘–repeat’ option. The INTERFACE program will then run only on those records for which the LOADED column is not assigned the value Y.

Example: The load should open orders and insert items into the order line. If one item failed to be loaded (e.g., the Part Number was not found in the Part Catalogue), you can repair the load table (define the part or fix the number) and re-execute the load, and the item will be inserted into the order that was already opened.

Note: Once the form load is successful, you may wish to export it for installation on a different server (e.g., if you are running the INTERFACE program on a test installation and you wish to copy it to the production server). To do so, return to the Forms to be Loaded form and run the Upload Interface program from the list of Actions .

Executing a Form Load from a Form Trigger or Step Query

Programs that prepare privileges for procedures and forms also check the SQL statements in all form triggers and procedure steps. If any interface is executed from a form trigger or procedure step, the required privileges are prepared whenever the trigger or procedure in question is activated. For example, when using the syntax EXECUTE INTERFACE ‘interface_name’,... the program prepares privileges for the ‘interface_name’ interface for the user in question.

Sometimes, however, you may wish to define an SQL variable that refers to the interface to be executed (e.g., :MYINTERFACE = ‘SOMEINTERFACE’;), rather than specifying the desired interface directly. In such a case, the privileges program will not be able to identify the interface being executed. If the user has privileges for the form or procedure itself, but not for the interface (‘SOMEINTERFACE’), they will not receive any errors, but the form or procedure may not function correctly.

It is therefore recommended that you refer to any relevant interfaces from within the form/procedure in such a way that they are identifiable by the privileges program, while ensuring that they’re not actually executed at that point. For example, include each interface in a separate EXECUTE command, but run it from within a GOTO command that jumps to step 999, or add the interfaces as additional procedure steps, but place them after an END command. If the variable can refer to more than one interface, make sure to include a reference to each possible interface using one of these methods. In this way, the privileges program will be able to identify any interface that may be executed from the form or procedure and will prepare all required privileges.

Example: See the BUF7 trigger in the DOCPACK form.

Code Examples

  • Execute interface from file specificed in Form Load Designer
  • Run interface based on load table




  • Use interface to export data to a load table


WHERE CURDATE = '03/22/23';

'-l', 'GENERALLOAD', :G1;


More on Form Loads