Types of Reports

Tabular Reports

Reports can also be displayed in tabular form, divided into columns and rows. Such tables succinctly summarize report data. To define a report as tabular, specify T in the Type column of the Report Generator form.

Each tabular column displays data for the report column which has been assigned a graphic display value of X (in the Graphic Display column of the Report Columns form).The order in which these data appear is determined by a non-displayed column (e.g., the internal part number) that has been assigned a graphic display value of O. This is particularly useful when the X data display dates. If you have not assigned O to any column, then the X data will be sorted alphanumerically. Finally, the content of the table cell is determined by the report column (or columns) which has been assigned a graphic display value of T.

Example: In the AGEDEBT_T_C report, which displays monthly customer aging data, the X column displays the month (Jan-06, Feb-06, etc.). In order to sort correctly by month number, rather than month name, a hidden sort column (type O) is used (see column #102).


  • Each group appears in a separate row in the table.
  • You can save horizontal space by using vertical mode (specify V in the Table Display Mode column of the Report Generator form).
  • If only one row is displayed for the group in question, you can to choose to hide its title (specify h in the Table Display Mode column).


The table can display row totals, sum totals (per row and group) and/or grand totals (for all groups and all rows). This is achieved by assigning a group function to the column in question, as follows:

  • If a row total (group function = H) has been specified, each row will be totaled.
  • If a sum total (group function = S) has been specified, each group and row will be totaled.
  • If a total (group function = T) has been specified, column totals will appear.
  • If both a sum and a total (group function = B) have been specified, the table will display row totals, group totals, column totals and a grand total.

Multi-Company Reports

You can define a report to display data from multiple companies (databases). In order to create such a multi-company report, add the following columns to the report:

  • A displayed column, with a Column Name of TITLE and a Table Name of ENVIRONMENT.
  • A hidden column, with a Column Name of DNAME and a Table Name of ENVIRONMENT. Its Expression/Condition should be: = SQL.ENV

Example: See the ORDERSREP report.

Note:The companies displayed in the report are the ones the user has selected via Define Multiple Companies(in the File menu).

Processed Reports

A procedure is a batch of executable steps that are carried out in a predefined sequence. One of the steps in a procedure may be the processing of report data. Thus, any given report may be part of a procedure. Include a report step in a procedure when the report requires manipulations other than simple averages, sum totals, minimums or maximums. The procedure allows for more complex operations to be performed on data. For a detailed explanation, see Processed Reports. Generally, you include a report in a procedure via the Procedure Steps form, a sub-level of the Procedure Generator form. You can then view that linkage in the Procedure Link form, another sub-level of the Report Generator form.

Further Reading