Form Columns


To record attributes for form columns, use the appropriate columns in the Form Columns sublevel form of the Form Generator.

Column Names and Titles

The form column name serves to identify the form column in the system and is used mainly in SQL variables in form triggers. Consequently, it is subject to certain restrictions (which also apply to form names):

  • Only alphanumeric values (uppercase and lowercase letters and digits) and the underline sign may be used (no spaces).
  • The column name must begin with a letter.
  • You may not use a reserved word.
  • Any new column must begin with the appropriate four-letter prefix.
  • There can be no more than 600 columns in a form.

Any change in the form column’s name will require appropriate changes in SQL variables which refer to that column. The designated name can be identical to the name of the table column from which the form column is derived. However, two different form columns which are derived from the same table column must be given different names.

Example: The Warehouse Transfer form (DOCUMENTS_T) refers to two different warehouses (sending warehouse and receiving warehouse). Though they are both derived from the same table column (WARHSNAME), they must have different form column names. Hence, the form column referring to the sending warehouse is WARHSNAME, while that referring to the receiving warehouse is TOWARHSNAME.

The form column title is utilized in the user interface. That is, it appears as a column heading in the form itself. The title is automatically inherited from the relevant table column. It may, however, be revised (even translated into another language). Moreover, when a form has a default design, the title assigned in the default design is displayed instead.

Example: In the DOCUMENTS_T form, both WARHSNAME and TOWARHSNAME inherit the title Warehouse Number from their common table column. To distinguish between them in the form, their titles have been changed to Sending Warehouse and Receiving Warehouse, respectively.

Order of Column Display

The order in which columns appear in the form is determined by their relative position (an integer). Integers determining column position need not be consecutive. The column assigned the lowest integer appears first, that with the next highest integer appears second, and so on.

Obviously, it is unnecessary to be concerned with the position of hidden columns (see below). Nonetheless, it is helpful to move these columns out of the way, by assigning them all the same high integer (e.g., 99).


  • Positions have no effect on screen-painted forms; the designer can place each column wherever desired.
  • Users can apply form design (Organize Fields) to affect how columns are displayed specifically for them.

Hidden Columns

Not all form columns ought to be displayed. For instance, there is generally no reason to display the internal number of the table’s autounique key. You should also hide the internal numbers through which data are imported from other tables.

Example: ORD and CUST are internal columns hidden from the ORDERS form

The Order Items form (ORDERITEMS) exemplifies two other instances in which data are not displayed. In addition to the PART column (through which data are imported from the PART table), the ORD and LINE columns are hidden. The former is used to link the form to its upper-level (ORDERS), establishing a one-to-many relationship. The latter is used to sort the order items (during data retrieval) according to the order in which they were originally specified; its value is determined by a trigger. Neither of these columns need to be displayed in the form.
Tip: Have the system manager use the Organize Fields utility to hide columns from individual users.

Mandatory Columns

Some of the displayed columns in the form must be filled in; others are optional. For instance, the user is required to indicate the date of each sales order, whereas specification of a price quotation is optional. Similarly, the user cannot place an order without specifying a customer number, but a sales rep number would not be necessary. Therefore, the CURDATE and CUSTNAME columns are mandatory. When a column is mandatory, built-in triggers will not allow the user to leave the line without specifying data for this column.

Note: Whenever a form load interface is used to update a form, that interface must fill in all mandatory columns. If it does not, the INTERFACE program will fail.

The columns that make up the base table’s unique key are a special case: they must always contain data (either filled in automatically by the system or manually by the user), regardless of whether they are flagged as mandatory. If data are missing from any of these columns, the record will be incomplete and the built-in triggers will not allow the user to leave the line. It is therefore recommended that, when the user is supposed to fill in the needed data, you flag the column(s) in question as mandatory. In this way, users will know in advance that data must be designated here. Otherwise, they will not find out until they try to leave the line and receive an error message.

Note: The Privilege Explorer can be used to make columns mandatory for specific users. You can find more info on the Privilege Explorer in Priority Xpert.

Read-only Columns

Not all displayed form columns should be updatable. Usually, columns whose values are determined automatically (generally by a trigger) should be read-only. For instance, the QPRICE column of the ORDERS form is determined by the sum of the prices of its order items (as designated in the sublevel ORDERITEMS form). Another example is the AGENTDES column. Owing to built-in fill triggers, the sales rep name is filled in automatically once the sales rep number is specified in the ORDERS form. This is because (1) the rep’s name is imported from the AGENTS table, and (2) the rep’s number (AGENTCODE) is a unique key in that table.


  • If you want the entire form to be read-only, you can make it a query form, thereby blocking all record insertions, updates and deletions.
  • The Privilege Explorer can be used to make updateable columns read-only for specific users. You can find more info on the Privilege Explorer in Priority Xpert.

Balances: Special Read-only Columns

Priority offers the option of a balance column — a special read-only column that displays financial balances. In order to distinguish between credit and debit balances, one is displayed within parentheses while the other appears in regular format. By default, it is the debit balances that are displayed in parentheses, both in forms and in reports. If you want credit balances to be displayed that way instead, use the CREDITBAL system constant. First add it to the SYSCONST table using an INSERT statement and then assign it a value of 1.

You can also display a cumulative balance in a form. To do so, add two columns to the form:

  • A balance column — Specify B in the Read/Mandatory/Bal column. This must be a numerical column (INT or REAL); its value will be added to the cumulative balance column.
  • A cumulative balance column — Specify A in the Read/Mandatory/Bal column. In the Form Column Extension form, record the type (INT or REAL), and in the Expression/Condition column, record 0 or 0.0, respectively.

In addition, you can include an opening balance column, if you want cumulative balance calculations to start from something other than

  1. In that case, specify C in the Read/Mandatory/Bal column.

Example: See the BAL_BASE, BAL and OPENNBAL columns in the ACCFNCITEMS form.

Boolean Columns

In order for a form column to be defined as Boolean, it must be of CHAR type and have a width of 1. When a Boolean column is flagged, the value of that field in the table is Y; when it is blank, the value in the table is ‘\0’. Users see a box which they can flag or leave empty (just like the one you use to define Boolean columns).

Keyword Columns

You can add additional functionality to columns by using a keyword in the name of the column.

Attachment Columns

Priority offers the option of an attachment column — a special form column that is used to attach a file to the current record. Such columns are displayed together with a paper clip icon, which can be used to open the Windows Explorer and navigate to the file in question. Alternatively, users can record the file path manually. An example of this type of column is the File Name column of the Customer Documents for Task form, a sublevel of the Tasks form. In order for a form column to be defined as an attachment column, it must be of CHAR type and the form column name must contain the string EXTFILENAME (e.g., PRIV_ EXTFILENAME).

When working with attachments, files are uploaded to the system/mail folder on the server, and can be interacted with by the user. Only files in system/mail can be interacted with; If you specify a path to a different folder on the server, even if it is valid (such as the system/load folder), the user will not be able to interact with the file.

URL Columns

You can define form columns as URLs. These columns have a special interaction to open a browser window and navigate to the specified URL (appears as a globe icon next to the column).

To set a column as a URL column, it must contain the string HOSTNAME in its name, e.g. PRIV_HOSTNAME. For an example, see the HOSTNAME column in the CUSTOMERS form.

EMail Columns

Form columns can be defined as email columns. These columns have a special interaction to send an email (envelope icon).

To set a column as an email column, it most contain the string EMAIL in its name, e.g. PRIV_EMAIL. For an example, see the Email column in the CUSTOMERS form.

Address Columns

Another option is to allow users to open Google Maps from within a form. For example, by selecting Map (in the Windows interface, from Tools in the top menu; in the web interface, from Run) from the address column in the Customers form, the user can open Google Maps to see the customer’s location. In order for a form to have the option of opening a map, it must contain a special column named ADDRESSMAP. You can add this column to a customized form using your standard prefix (XXXX_ADDRESSMAP).


  • It is not possible to add such a column to a standard form.
  • Working with Google Maps requires an API key.

Special Date Columns

As mentioned earlier, dates are stored in Priority as integers, which correspond to the number of minutes elapsed since Jan. 1, 1988 (for example, Dec. 31, 1987 = -1440). Hence, the date 01/01/1988 is stored as “0”. Since Priority forms do not generally display zero values, this date is not displayed in form columns. If you want the value 01/01/1988 to be displayed in a particular column, the form column name must contain the string BIRTHDATE (e.g., the BIRTHDATE10 column in the USERSB_ONE form).

Note: When a new record is inserted into the database and the date column is empty, the system assigns a default value of 0 (i.e., 01/01/1988). If you use the above technique to display the date 01/01/1988, this value will appear in the date column of all such records. In this case, you may want to define another trigger, such that when a new record is inserted into the database and the date column in question is empty, the column receives a different default value (e.g., 01/01/1900).

Sorting Data

Priority allows you to control the default order of records appearing in a given form. That is, you may assign sort priorities to one or more columns, and you may designate the type of sort. A given form column’s sort priority (an integer) determines how records are sorted on screen. The lower the integer assigned to a given column, the higher its priority in a sort. In addition to sort priority, you can also indicate the type of sort. There are four options:

  • ascending (the default sort)
  • descending
  • alphanumeric ascending
  • alphanumeric descending.

An alphanumeric sort operates strictly according to the ASCII table. Thus, A13 will come before A2 and B200 will precede B39 (in ascending order). In contrast, the regular sort treats consecutive digits as a number (rather than individual characters). Hence, in ascending order, A2 precedes A13 and B39 precedes B200.

Note: The designated sort priority and type constitute the default sort. A different sort order may be imposed by the user during data retrieval (see the User Interface Guide).

Imported Data

In addition to the columns derived from its base table, a form can also display information that is stored in another table. This table is known as a join table. A form can have several join tables from which it imports data.

Example: The ORDERS form imports data from several tables, among them CUSTOMERS and AGENTS. Thus, the customer number and the sales rep (among other things) have been added to the form.

To add a column, specify a form column name, abiding by the above-mentioned restrictions (e.g., XXXX_CUSTNAME). The table to which that column belongs (e.g., CUSTOMERS) will be filled in automatically, unless the same column name appears in more than one table. In that case, designate the table name yourself. Next, assign the new form column a position. Finally, flag the imported columns as read-only or mandatory where desired. In general, all imported columns except for those belonging to the join table’s unique key should be read-only, as their values are automatically filled in by built-in fill triggers.

There is one exception to the above: when the data imported from another table is updated in the form. In such a case, you do not specify a column name (or table name) in this form, nor do you designate a join column and join table (see below). Instead you need to use the Form Column Extension sub-level form, in a similar manner as you record calculated columns. For more details, see Calculated Columns.

Example: See the STARTDATE column in the Service Calls form (DOCUMENTS_Q).

Join Columns

The customer who places a given order is stored in the ORDERS table solely by means of the internal customer number (CUST). This internal number is derived from the CUST column in the CUSTOMERS table.

When an order is recorded in the Sales Orders form, the number of the customer who placed that order must be specified as well. '’Priority’’ then uses that number to obtain the customer’s internal number. The internal number is then stored in the appropriate record in the ORDERS table.

Let’s say, for instance, that the user records Order 1000 for customer P600. As the internal number assigned to this customer is 123, this internal number will be stored for Order 1000. This connection — or join — between the internal customer number in the ORDERS table and the internal customer number in the CUSTOMERS table is not automatic. It must be explicitly specified in the Form Columns form. You must indicate the column by which the join is made (Join Column) and the table to which it belongs (Join Table).

There are certain restrictions on the column(s) through which the join is executed:

  • These columns must appear in the join table’s unique (or autounique) key.
  • They must include all key columns.

Note: The column comprising an autounique key meets both conditions required of a join column.

Special Joins

There are two special types of joins:

  • multiple joins — where imported form columns are derived from the same table column
  • outer joins — that allow for unmatched rows between the base and join tables.

A good example of a multiple join is found in the DOCUMENTS_T form, based on the DOCUMENTS table, which includes two different warehouses: the sending warehouse and the receiving one. The DOCUMENTS table stores the internal numbers of the sending and receiving warehouses in the WARHS and TOWARHS columns, respectively. Both of these internal numbers are joined to the same join column: WARHS from the WAREHOUSES table. That is, the join is made to the same table twice — once to import data regarding the sending warehouse, and again to import data with respect to the receiving warehouse. A distinction is made between the two joins by means of the Join ID: the join for the sending warehouse is assigned a Join ID of 0, while the join for the receiving warehouse is assigned a Join ID of 1.

Similarly, a distinction must be made between the form columns that are imported through each join. For instance, the numbers of both these warehouses (WARHSNAME and TOWARHSNAME, respectively) are imported from the same table column: WARHSNAME from the WAREHOUSES table. It is essential that the number of the sending warehouse be imported through join 0, whereas the number of the receiving warehouse be imported through join 1. Thus, the former is assigned a Column ID of 0, whereas the latter is assigned a Column ID of 1. Any other value imported from the WAREHOUSES table (e.g., the warehouse description, the bin number) is likewise assigned the appropriate Column ID.

Important note: When creating your own multiple joins, use a join ID and column ID greater than 5.

As opposed to regular joins, an outer join allows for unmatched rows between the base and join tables. To designate the outer join, add a question mark (?) in the relevant Column ID or Join ID column, next to the number of the ID. The decision as to where to put the question mark (column ID? join ID?) depends on where the null record is expected to be encountered. If it is in the table from which the form column is derived (i.e., the one appearing in the Table Name column of the Form Columns form), then add the question mark to the column ID. If the null record is expected to appear in the join table, attach the question mark to the join ID. In the case of an additional join between the outer join table and another table, the question mark should appear in each of these join IDs.

Example: The FNCITEMS table, which stores journal entry items, is linked to FNCITEMSB, a table that (among other things) stores profit/cost centers from groups 2-5. An outer join is required, as not all records in FNCITEMS have values in FNCITEMSB (that is, a given journal entry item may not necessarily include profit/cost centers from groups 2-5). Moreover, as access to the COSTCENTERS table is via FNCITEMSB, it is necessary to create an outer join there as well (for instance, via the COSTC2 column).

Note: Outer-joined tables are accessed after regular join tables.

Calculated Columns

In addition to form columns derived from the base table, as well as form columns imported from other tables, you can also create columns which display data derived from other form columns. These data are not stored in or retrieved from any database table. They are filled in when the form row is exited. The value of a calculated column is determined on the basis of other columns in the form, as defined in an expression.

Example: The ORDERITEMS form includes the VATPRICE column, which displays the line item’s extended price after tax is added. The value of this column (of REAL type) is determined by the part price as well as the percentage of tax that applies to the part in question.

Finally, an imported column that is updated in the form is created just like a calculated column. In this case, the expression does not calculate the column value, but rather defines the join table and join column.

To add a calculated column to a given form, take the following steps:

  1. Designate a unique column name in the Form Column Name column of the Form Columns form (abiding by all column name restrictions).
  2. Specify its position within the form in the Pos column.
  3. If a calculated column displays a value that should not be revised, specify R in the Read-only/Mandatory column. Leave the column blank in the case of an imported column that is updated in the form (e.g., the STARTDATE column in the DOCUMENTS_Q form) or when the value in the calculated column updates a value in another column (e.g., the BOOLCLOSED column in the ORDERS form).
  4. Designate the column’s width in the Width column. In the case of a real number or a shifted integer, designate decimal precision as well.
  5. Specify the column title in the Revised Title column. Unlike regular form columns, which inherit titles from their respective table columns, calculated columns have to be assigned titles. If you forget to do so, the column will remain untitled when the form is accessed by a user.
  6. Enter the sub-level form, Form Column Extension.
  7. Write the expression that determines the value of the column in the Expression/Condition column, using SQL syntax. If there is not enough room for the entire expression, continue it in the sub-level form.
  8. Designate the column type (e.g., CHAR, INT, REAL) in the Column Type column of the Form Column Extension form. Note that the Type column in the Form Columns form will not display the type of a calculated column.

Note: Once you exit the sub-level form, a check mark will appear in the Expression/Condition column of the Form Columns form. This flag helps you to find any calculated columns in the form at a glance.

Sometimes you may wish to include a column that sets a condition for the entire record. In that case, do not create a calculated column, as described above. Instead, add a dummy column to the form (column name = DUMMY; table name = DUMMY) and assign it the desired condition. The condition itself must be preceded by “=1 AND.”

Example: See the DUMMY column in the FNCIFORQIV form.

Custom Columns: Data Authorization

Priority’s Data Authorization mechanism enables you to restrict the content that users can access, based on attributes such as the branch in which a document was recorded and/or the sales rep who performed the transaction.

If you have created a custom table column for a piece of data that is normally subject to data authorizations, you will need to apply the same Data Authorization settings defined for the standard table column to the custom table column as well.

In order for the custom column to inherit data privileges defined for an existing system column, the two columns need to be linked. To do so:

  1. Enter the Data Privileges form (System Management → System Maintenance → Privileges → Auxiliary Programs (Privileges) → Data Privileges).
  2. Add a line for the custom table column, specifying the name of the custom Column and the Table in which it appears, and the names of the Main Column and Main Table to which it should be linked. Consequently, the custom Column inherits the data privileges defined for the Main Column.

Example: If data privileges have been defined for the Main Column BRANCH in the Main Table BRANCHES, you can add a line to the Data Privileges form for a second branch column BRANCH2 in the ORDERS table. As a result, the BRANCH2 column inherits the data privileges defined for the Main Column (BRANCH).

To grant data authorization to a given user, add one or more lines to the USERCLMNPRIV table, as follows:

  1. Record the relevant username in the USER column.
  2. In the COLUMNA column, specify the name of the column for which data privileges have been defined, as recorded in the MAINCOLUMN column of the CLMNPRIV table.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • If the user in question is authorized to see all data, insert a single line for this user in the USERCLMNPRIV table and record ‘*’ in the VALUE column.
    • If the user in question is authorized to see specific data only, insert a separate line in the USERCLMNPRIV table for each value in the designated column for which the user is authorized.

Adding Form Columns to Split Reconciliations Forms

Priority has a number of forms dedicated to financial reconciliations that have a different visual appearance compared to other forms. These forms can only be opened in the Web interface and are unique in that form columns are split into two sections of the screen.

Adding columns is the only customization allowed for these forms.

The forms are:

Form Form Title
ACCRECONSP Account Recon. Work Area (Split)
BANKRECONSP Bank Recon. Work Area (Split)
CREDITRECONSP Credit Cd Recon. Wk Area (Split)

If you want to add columns to this form, follow the following rules:

  • All column names must begin with either the FRST or SCND prefix to designate in which side of the form they appear - first and second respectively. This prefix should then be followed by your customization prefix, and only then by the name of the column, e.g. FRST_EXMP_MYNAME.
  • All custom columns added must be Read only.

In some cases, you’ll want to make the new column accessible in both sides of the work area. In that case you should create two columns with the same settings, one with a FRST prefix and another with the SCND prefix.

Joins for these forms are the same as normal. Use a single join if you want to bring data from another table.

MDM Features

Supporting Transformation Interfaces


MDM transformation interfaces take data from one type of record in the source company, and create a different type of record in the target company. For example, an interface that converts a purchase order in company A into a sales order in company B.

Transformation interfaces require storing additional data at the form level, and by default are only supported in specific forms (see the MDM SOP on Priority Xpert for more information.)

To add support for transformation interfaces in additional forms, you need to add these private columns to the form:

  1. A XXXX_MYEMAIL calculated form column, of type CHAR, with the following expression:
  2. A XXXX_DNAME column based on the ENVIRONMENTA.DNAME table column, with a join ID of 5, and the expression SQL.ENV.

  3. An EI_EMAIL column based on the MAILINTERCOMP column of either the CUSTOMERSA or SUPPLIERSA tables - choose the appropriate one based on the form in questions. For example, in Export Invoices (FINVOICES), you’d select CUSTOMERSA.

See the standard versions of these columns in the ORDERS form as an example.

MDM-only Permissions


You can limit certain forms and columns so that they can only be updated via Master Data Management (MDM, also known as EDI interfaces).

To enable this permission type, you need to add the following:

  1. Add a join between the form of the document in question to the SEARCHDOCVERS table.
  2. Add a form column named FROMEDI to the form, which is based on the FROMEDI column of the SEARCHDOCVERS table.

You can see an example of this kind of column in the AINVOICES form.

Further Reading