Error and Warning Messages


Triggers which perform verification checks should include error message (ERRMSG) or warning message (WRNMSG) commands. When they succeed, both these commands generate a message. However, whereas trigger execution continues when a warning message command is successful, it halts once an error message command is successful.

Tip: The system manager can change any warning into an error message via the Privilege Explorer. You can find more info on the Privilege Explorer in Priority Xpert.

See also Form Triggers.

Activating the Command

To activate an ERRMSG or WRNMSG command, use the following syntax:

ERRMSG number [ WHERE condition ];
WRNMSG number [ WHERE condition ];

The number refers to the message that will be generated. For example,


will cause message 4 (“Specify P (part), R (raw material) or O (other).”) to appear if the part type is not O, R or P.

Specifying the Message Content

For any given form, all ERRMSG and WRNMSG commands appearing in any trigger must be accompanied by error and warning messages. Moreover, it is important to ensure that the message is assigned the same number as the one referred to in the appropriate command. If the form preparation mechanism encounters a trigger with an ERRMSG or WRNMSG command and no message to accompany it, a warning will appear in the Warnings Report:

There is no message number X for Y form (appears in Z trigger).

If this warning is not heeded, and the form is loaded, the trigger will work normally. However, instead of its designated error or warning message, the user will receive the above message.

The content of each message is generally written in the Error & Warning Messages form. Each new message should be assigned a number greater than 500. Actually, there are three Error & Warning Messages forms that can be used interchangeably:

  • the FORMMSG form, a sub-level of the Form Generator form;
  • the TRIGMSG form, a sub-level of the Row & Form Triggers - Text form, which allows you to view the contents of the Row or Form trigger that generates the message;
  • the TRIGCLMSG form, a sub-level of the Form Column Triggers - Text form, which allows you to view the contents of the Column trigger that generates the message.

If the message is longer than a single line, it may be continued in the sub-level of each of the above forms.

Storing the error/warning messages in separate tables from the triggers themselves gives them autonomous status. This is useful in two respects. First, it enables the messages to be displayed in the Form Messages dictionary. Hence, messages for different forms can be retrieved together, which helps the form designer to unify their style. Second, it enables Priority’s translation facility to take the messages into account. Thus, while the contents of triggers will remain the same, the error and warning messages that are generated by these triggers can be displayed in another language.

In any given error or warning message, you can refer to a specific Priority* entity using a special format: {entity_name.{ **F | R | P | M } }, where F = form, R = report, P = procedure, M = menu. That is, you designate the entity name and type, and the entity’s title will appear in their place. This format is useful because entity names are rarely changed, whereas titles are rather likely to be modified in upgraded or customized versions. In this way, the most up-to-date title will appear in your message.

Example: You can create a warning message for a trigger in the SHIPTO (Shipping Address) form which refers to the Customers form: The shipping address is identical to the customer's mailing address. See the {CUSTOMERS.F} form.

If the message is an error message, the entity code will also function as a clickable link to the relevant entity. In warning messages, only the entity title will appear, without being clickable.

Remember to check that the entity name and type have been correctly written, that is, the entity you specified really exists.

You can also create a warning message (WRNMSG), error message (ERRMSG) or send mail message (MAILMSG) that displays the content of a text file. Within the trigger in question, define a variable of FILE type called MESSAGEFILE and specify msg_number = 1000000. This message number should not appear in the Error & Warning Messages form.

Example: A CHECK-FIELD trigger might contain the following code:

ERRMSG 1000000;

General Error Messages

To assist in creating a unified language for your users, you can create error messages that can be called from any entity. To do so, use the following syntax:

GENMSG number [ WHERE condition ];

To add additional general messages, open the Compiled Programs form, retrieve the GENMSG program, and add your message in the Program Messages sub-level, following the development rules (message number > 500).

Require Password Reentry

In certain cases, you may wish to prompt the user to reenter their password when performing a certain action in a field (e.g. flagging a purchase order as approved).

Note: This functionality is only supported in the Priority Web interface.

To prompt the user to reenter their password:

Create a new warning message (WRNMSG) trigger. Within the trigger in question, specify msg_number = 1000001. This message number should not appear in the Error & Warning Messages form. After the user makes a change to the field, a password prompt will appear, with the following fields:

  1. Username - a text field with a default value of the current user's name. Altering the username will automatically fail the password check – the check will not be performed and a value of 1 will be returned.
  2. Password – empty password field. This field automatically hides the characters entered (using asterisks/bullets), and its content cannot be copied to the clipboard. By default, it is the active field when the password prompt appears.
  3. OK and Cancel buttons.

The results of the password prompt are returned in a special variable PWD_RETVAL, with the following possible values:

  • 1 - Username was changed and therefore no password check was performed.
  • 2 - Username is unchanged and the password was correct.
  • 3 - Username is unchanged and the password was not correct.
  • 4 - The user pressed the Cancel button.

Message Parameters

An error or warning message can include parameters (a maximum of three per message) — <P1>, <P2> and <P3>. The values to be assigned to these parameters are defined in the trigger that generates the message, by means of the system variables :PAR1, :PAR2 and :PAR3.

Example: The CHECK-FIELD trigger for the PARTNAME column of the PORDERITEMS form checks that the specified order item is sold by the vendor to which the order is made:\

WRNMSG 140 WHERE NOT EXISTS /* Don't give warning for nonstandard*/

Warning message 140 would then be: Vendor <P1> does not supply this part. PAR1 is filled in by the appropriate vendor number.

The variables :PAR1,:PAR2 and :PAR3 are of CHAR type. If you wish to assign a form column variable which is of a different type to a message parameter, you will have to first convert it to a string (use ITOA for an integer and DTOA for a date).

Example: To insert the order date into a message parameter, include the following statement in the trigger:


More on Triggers