Import/Export Data with XML/JSON Files

Parsing a File

Parsing File Tags/Fields

If you are loading to or from an XML/JSON file, you must define the tags/properties in the system. The easiest way to do so is to import a file with the tags/properties and let the system parse it:

In the Web Interface

  1. In the Form Load Designer form, record a default File Name (e.g. example.xml or demo.json). This filename will be used when exporting the interface.
  2. Run the Import XML/JSON Interfc Template Action and upload the template file.
  3. Run the Prepare Tags by File Defs Action. The structure of the file is analyzed and transferred to the Tags for Interface sub-level form.

In the Windows Interface

  1. Save the file in the system\load\company directory, where company is the name of the current company (SQL.ENV).
  2. In the Form Load Designer form, record in File Name the location of the file (e.g. example.xml or demo.json). This filename will also be used when exporting the interface.
  3. Run the Prepare Tags by File Defs Action. The structure of the file is analyzed and transferred to the Tags for Interface sub-level form.


XML Tags Structure

Enter the Tags for Interface form and check the results. The form should show all tags that are present in the XML file. You can delete tags that are not necessary. You can also add/revise tag names.

XML tag definitions uses a syntax similar to file paths to specify the location of nodes in an XML document. Each part of the path represents an element or a step in the document’s hierarchy.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

When mapping an XML path to a column name in a table, data from that table column will be routed to the XML element.

You can also map data to an XML attribute with the following structure:


In this case the data will be output to the XML attribute:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <element attribute="[here will be data]"></element>

There are four types of tags:

  • ’’ (blank) - normal tag.
  • ‘C’ - constant value. Value will always be taken from the Tags for Interface form, rather than from the database table. For a parsed document, the value may be filled in based on the first appearance of the tag.
  • ‘E’ - a structural tag, it marks the end of a tag group.
  • ‘R’ - structural tag, it marks the end of a repeating tag group.

So, for example, XML tags with the following settings:

`mainTag/groupL1/groupL2f` - type E
`mainTag/groupL1/groupL2s` - type E
`mainTag/groupL1` - type R

Would output a result as follows (export is from the Sales Orders form):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

To more clearly illustrate how repeating tags work, lets look at a simplified example:

/Order/OrderItems/OrderItem type R

Notice how OrderItem repeats in the result.


Mapping Form Data to XML Tags

Go to the Forms to be Loaded form and its sub-level Position of Column in File. Use the next sub-level, Tag Definitions, to link each form column to the appropriate tag/field.

  • If the tag is a date, you can also define the Date Format, indicating how the date value will be displayed. You can use any of the available SQL date formats, such as MMDDYY or MM/DD/YY.

  • You can skip tags when there is no data to fill them. Select the Without Empty Tags option in Tag Definitions sub-level.

  • To add a tag, but ensure that it is always empty, you can map a tag to a column, and then set it as a constant (C) value that is left empty.

Note: Windows only: Once you have created a form load design that uses an XML file, Priority automatically enables users to export data from the main form of this load design to an XML file. In this case the XML File option in the Mail top menu of the relevant form will be enabled. When it is selected, the user gets a choice of interfaces to run. The system indicates where the output file has been saved.

JSON Files

The Tags for Interface form shows the results of the file parse. The form should show all properties that are present in the JSON file. You can delete properties that are not necessary. You can also add/revise property names.

  1. For parsed properties, the data in the first record appears in the Value column. If you want this (or any other value) to be used in all records, regardless of definitions in the file, specify C in the Type of Value column. Revise the values as necessary.

  2. To map JSON properties to a form, move the Forms to be Loaded form and its sub-level Position of Column in File. Use the next sub-level, Tag Definitions, to link each form column to the appropriate property. If the property is a date, you can also define the Date Format, indicating how the date value will be displayed. You can use any of the available SQL date formats, such as MMDDYY or MM/DD/YY.

Note: Decimal data in JSON files loaded into the system must always use a decimal point as the decimal separator, even if the decimal separator configured for the Priority system locale is a different symbol.

Differences between XML and JSON

Importing data for both XML and JSON is identical. However, JSON exports currently do not support renaming and nesting, and will just follow the structure of the form. So, for example, an export of ORDERS will look like this:

{  "ORDERS": [
    { "ORDNAME": "SO2400021",
      "CUSTNAME": "John Doe"
      { "ORDNAME": "SO2400022",
      "CUSTNAME": "Jane Doe"

We are planning to further extend support for JSON exports in future releases.

More on Form Loads