SQL Functions and Variables


Priority offers a set of system functions that can be used to retrieve set results (e.g., the current date and time). Furthermore, it recognizes a number of kinds of variables. These functions and variables are used in SQL statements.

Functions are identified within the SQL statement by the prefix “SQL.” Variables are identified by the prefix “:” (colon).

Each function and variable must belong to one of the following types: CHAR, INT, REAL, DATE, TIME or DAY. These are all valid column types (for an explanation of each, see Table Columns).

System Functions

Here is a partial list of SQL functions recognized by Priority.

  • SQL.ENV: the current Priority company (CHAR type)
  • SQL.USER: the internal number of the current user (INT type)
  • SQL.GROUP: the internal user number of the group representative from whom the current user inherits privileges (INT type)
  • SQL.DATE: the current date and time (DATE type)
  • SQL.DATEUTC: the current date and time in UTC (DATE type)
  • SQL.DATE8: the current date without time (DATE type)
  • SQL.TIME: the current time (TIME type)
  • SQL.DAY: the current weekday (DAY type)
  • SQL.LINE: the line number during retrieval from the database; retrieved records are numbered consecutively (INT type)
  • SQL.TMPFILE: a full path to a temporary file name; you can use this path to link tables to the file
  • SQL.LANGUAGE: the language code of the current user
  • SQL.ENVLANG: the language defined for the current Priority company (in the Companies form)
  • SQL.WEBID, SQL.CLIENTID: identification variables (INT type and CHAR type, respectively) used for Priority Lite only.
  • SQL.GUID: returns a random 32-character string, using the operating system’s UUID function.
  • SQL.PRETTY: returns the External Access ID in Priority Connect for the current company (in lowercase), or from another company on the server (in uppercase). For example, suppose we have a server with 2 companies, Example Company and Demo Company, with only the latter having an External Access ID prettydemo:
    /* In Demo Company, returns: prettydemo
       In Example Company, returns: PRETTYDEMO
  • SQL.CLOUDURL: For an environment hosted in Priority Software’s Cloud, returns its address.
  • SQL.REGNAME: Returns the system’s registration name - same as the one that appears when clicking About Priority in the Help menu.
  • SQL.HOSTING: Returns 1 if the system is hosted in Priority Software’s Cloud, 0 otherwise.
  • SQL.ORACLE: Returns 1 for a system with an Oracle database, 2 for a system with SQL Server as the database.


  1. You can use SQL.USER and SQL.DATE for an electronic signature.

  2. To return a numbered list of parts, use:



There are several types of SQL variables:

  • form column variables, determined by the content of a given column in a given form
  • parameter variables, determined by the content of a given parameter in a given procedure step
  • user-defined variables
  • system variables

Regardless of type, all variables are limited to a size of 120 characters.

System Variables

:RETVAL — the return value of the previous query (INT type).

:SCRLINE — the current form line, in triggers only (INT type).

:PAR1, :PAR2 and :PAR3 — parameters for error and warning message commands (CHAR type); used in form triggers, step queries (in procedures) and load queries; maximum number of characters for each parameter is 64.

:PAR4 — stores the value of the first argument in CHOOSE- triggers (CHAR type). :PAR4 is not supported in the Priority Web Interface.

:FORM_INTERFACE (INT type) — when assigned a value of 1, indicates that form records are filled by a form load interface rather than the user.

:FORM_INTERFACE_NAME (CHAR type) — when the :FORM_INTERFACE variable has a value of 1, the current variable is assigned the name of the form interface in question (e.g., see BUF16 in the LOGPART form; on buffers, see Using Buffers). If empty, but :FORM_INTERFACE is 1, the records are filled in using the REST API.

:PREFORMQUERY (INT type) — assign it a value of 1 in a PRE-FORM trigger to run the trigger after each query.

:ACTIVATEREFRESH (INT type) — assign it a value of 1 in a PRE-FORM trigger to refresh all retrieved records after a Direct Activation.

:ACTIVATE_POST_FORM (CHAR type, width 1) — assign it a value of Y in a PRE-FORM trigger to activate the form’s POST-FORM trigger upon exiting the form, even if no changes have been made (e.g., see PRE-FORM trigger in the TRANSORDER_H form).

:KEYSTROKES — use in a PRE-FORM trigger to store a string containing reserved words which imitate keyboard actions.

:HEBREWFILTER (INT type) — for users of Priority in Hebrew. This variable is used to ensure that Hebrew text is displayed correctly when exporting data from Priority using an SQL query. When this variable receives a value of 0, the characters in exported Hebrew text appear backwards (e.g., םילשורי טרוא ס"יב); assign it a value of 1 to ensure that such characters appear in the correct order (e.g., בי"ס אורט ירושלים).

:HTMLACTION, :HTMLVALUE and :HTMLFIELD — used in Priority Lite procedures (see Designing HTML Reports for Priority Lite/Dashboards).

:_IPHONE — used in Priority Lite procedures. This variable receives a value of 1 when the procedure in question is run from a mobile device (e.g., an iPhone or Android device), and a value of 0 when the procedure is run from a regular PC or iPad. By referring to this variable within the procedure itself (or one of its component reports), the procedure can be run differently depending on the type device from which it is accessed (e.g., see step 40 in the WWWDB_PORDERS_A procedure).

:NOHTMLDESIGN — used in processed reports and Priority Lite procedures. When this variable receives a value of 1, reports will be produced in non-HTML format, even if HTML design options are defined for report columns. This variable is sometimes used in conjunction with the previous one (e.g., see step 40 in the WWWDB_PORDERS_A procedure).

:HTMLMAXROWS — used in processed reports and **Priority Lite* procedures to limit the number of results that appear on the page. This is useful, for instance, if you want to run a report that displays the last 5 sales orders placed by the customer, or if you want to enable users to indicate how many results to display on a particular page of your Priority Lite* website (e.g., see step 40 in the WWWDB_ORDERS_A procedure).

:_CHANGECOUNT (INT type) — stores the number of fields in the current form record that have been revised; useful in a PRE-UPDATE or POST-UPDATE trigger when you want to perform a check or other action only if a single field, or a specific set of fields, has been changed.

CHANGECOUNT only counts fields that are visible in the form. Hidden fields are not counted, even if they are changed by post-field triggers. For read-only fields that are changed by triggers, only fields that are part of the base table of the form are counted.

:PRINTFORMAT (INT type) – stores the print format chosen by the user when a document is printed. Print formats are saved in the EXTMSG table.

:SENDOPTION (CHAR type) — stores the user’s selection in the Print/Send Options dialogue box when a document is printed.

:ISSENDPDF (INT type) — when a value of 1 is received, creates a PDF document rather than an HTML document (used with :SENDOPTION).

:WANTSEDOCUMENT (INT type) — stores the user’s selection in the Are sent e-mails digitally signed by Outlook column of the Mail Options dialogue box.

:EDOCUMENT (INT type) — used in e-documents (see Creating E-Documents). When this variable receives a value of 1, sent e-documents will be synchronized with Priority and recorded as a customer task.

:GROUPPAGEBREAK (INT type) — used in processed reports to add a page break for the first "Group by" set (see Display of Grouped Records). When this variable receives a value of 1, each group of records in the report will appear on a new page.

:FIRSTLINESFILL (INT type) — used in forms. When the sub-level form is entered, the variable automatically receives a value of 1; once the user runs a query in the form, the variable receives a value of 0. Useful when you want to run an automated query upon entrance into the sub-level form without restricting which records can be retrieved by a user-defined query. For example, the condition defined for the CURDATE column of the CUSTNOTES form (in the Form Column Extension sub-level of the Form Columns form) is used to retrieve all recent tasks upon first entering the form. Once these tasks have been loaded, however, users can run a query to retrieve older tasks by pressing F11.

:SQL.NET (INT type) — stores 0 when working in the Windows interface and 1 when working in the web interface.

:EXTERNAL.VARNAME (CHAR type) – used in procedures to refer to variables inputted as part of the WINACTIV command (see Running a Procedure from SQLI Step). External variables will always be of type CHAR, even if they contain other types of data.

:WEBSDK_APP_ID (CHAR type) — when entities are accessed via Priority’s Web SDK using a per-application license, this variable stores the application ID provided by Priority Software for that application. Use this variable to tailor behavior based on the specific application used to access the system.

:WEBSDK_APP_NAME (CHAR type) — this variable is filled in when an appname is specified by the login function of the Web SDK. Use this variable to tailor behavior based on the specific application used to access the system.

:FROMTTS (INT type) — set to 1 when procedures or reports are run via the Tabula Task Scheduler, set to 0 otherwise. This variable is useful when you want to set behavior that is relevant only when running the program via the TTS (e.g., setting a default value in input that is usually provided by the user).

:NETDEFS_WCFURL (CHAR type) — this variable can only be accessed from within procedures. It (and the rest of the NETDEFS variables) provide data from the settings of the application server configured for the system. This one contains the WCF URL of the application server.

:NETDEFS_SERVERURL (CHAR type) — this variable can only be accessed from within procedures. It (and the rest of the NETDEFS variables) provide data from the settings of the application server configured for the system. This one contains the Server URL of the application server.

:NETDEFS_MARKETGATEURL (CHAR type) — this variable can only be accessed from within procedures. It (and the rest of the NETDEFS variables) provide data from the settings of the application server configured for the system. This one contains the Marketgate URL of the application server.

:NETDEFS_SESSIONDIRECTORY (CHAR type) — this variable can only be accessed from within procedures. It (and the rest of the NETDEFS variables) provide data from the settings of the application server configured for the system. This one contains the where session data is stored on the application server.

:NETDEFS_SYSTEMIMAGES (CHAR type) — this variable can only be accessed from within procedures. It (and the rest of the NETDEFS variables) provide data from the settings of the application server configured for the system. This one contains where images are stored on the application server.

:NETDEFS_SYSTEMMAIL (CHAR type) — this variable can only be accessed from within procedures. It (and the rest of the NETDEFS variables) provide data from the settings of the application server configured for the system. This one contains where mail files (such as attachments) are stored on the application server.

:NETDEFS_TMPDIRECTORY (CHAR type) — this variable can only be accessed from within procedures. It (and the rest of the NETDEFS variables) provide data from the settings of the application server configured for the system. This one contains the where temporary files are stored by the application server.

:NETDEFS_TMPURL (CHAR type) — this variable can only be accessed from within procedures. It (and the rest of the NETDEFS variables) provide data from the settings of the application server configured for the system. This one contains the TMPURL of the application server.

:NETDEFS_NETTABINI (CHAR type) — this variable can only be accessed from within procedures. It contains the location of the tabula.ini file for the current environment.

Reserved Words for :KEYSTROKES Variable

:KEYSTROKES should only be used in PRE-FORM triggers.

The following reserved words are useful with the :KEYSTROKES variable:

  • {Activate}N (runs the form’s Nth Action)
  • {Exit} (executes the query)
  • {Key Right}, {Key Left}, {Key Up}, {Key Down}, {Page Up}, {Page Down}
  • {Sub-level}N (opens the form’s Nth sub-level form),
  • {Table/Line View} (toggles between multi-record and full-record display).

KEYSTROKES = *{Exit}; (retrieves all form records)

KEYSTROKES = {Key Right} 01/01/06 {Exit} (moves one column to the right and executes a query that retrieves any records with Jan. 1, 2006, in the field).

Variable Types

All form column variables and parameter variables take on their respective column types. In all other cases, SQL defines variable type according to the context. That is, such variables will inherit the type of any other variable in the expression which is already defined in the form. For instance, if the QUANT and PRICE columns in the ORDERITEMS form are defined as REAL, then the :totprice variable in the following expression is assumed to be a real number as well:




Similarly, a variable will inherit the type of a constant value appearing in the expression. For instance, in the expression :i + 5, i is assumed to be an INT variable.

Given an expression without a type context, SQL assigns a default variable type of CHAR. However, for a string with a width of 1 (single character), you must specify “\0 +” or use a declaration for that single CHAR variable, for example: :SINCHAR = '\0';.

To obtain a variable of REAL type, create the proper type context by adding the prefix “0.0 +” to the expression. To obtain a variable of INT, DATE, TIME or DAY type, add the prefix “0 +”.

For instance, assuming that the variable :j (which contains a real number) has not yet been defined, you would use the following statement to select its values:



:j = 0.0;

If you need a variable of REAL type with more precision than two decimal places, initialize it as follows:

:CONV = 0E-9;

Further Reading