Dashboard Procedures


The procedures used to display Priority Dashboards in Priority and on Outlook (Priority on Outlook) are very similar to other HTML procedures. Dashboard procedures, however, are assigned a different value in the Rep/Wizard/Dashboard column of the Procedure Generator:

There are three types of Dashboard procedures:

  • "Basic Dashboards" display live data in a single window without any internal procedures (e.g., WWWCUSTINFO). This type of procedure is almost identical to a regular Priority Lite procedure. However, in the Rep/Wizard/Dashboard column of the Procedure Generator, make sure to assign the value D, indicating that this is a Dashboard procedure.
  • "Multi-part Dashboards" consist of a number of smaller Internet procedures, or web parts, arranged within a main window (e.g., WWWDB_SERVICEMNGR). When creating internal procedures for this type of Dashboard, assign them the value d in the Rep/Wizard/Dashboard column of the Procedure Generator.
  • Like basic dashboards, "Portlets" display live data in a single window without any internal procedures, but on the home page (in the web interface). In the Rep/Wizard/Dashboard column of the Procedure Generator, assign them the value p.

Creating a New Multi-Part Dashboard

  1. Create a copy of an existing procedure (e.g., WWWDB_SERVICEMNGR).
  2. Revise any HTML pages (stored in the system\html directory) in your new procedure as follows:
    Locate the line:
    onload= <javascript:DashboardLoad(WWWDB_SERVICEMNGR)> and replace the procedure name (WWWDB_SERVICEMNGR) with the name of the new procedure (e.g., PRIV_NEWDASHBOARD).
  3. Customize the new procedure (PRIV_NEWDASHBOARD) as desired, and attach the desired internal procedures (i.e., procedures with the Rep/Wizard/Dashboard value d).
    Note: See Rules for Customizing.

Adding a Dashboard Procedure to Outlook

Once you have finished preparing the new Dashboard procedure, you can add it to Outlook from the Mail menu in Priority (Mail → Mail Options → Outlook → Priority on Outlook). Priority Dashboards appear in Outlook under the heading Priority Dashboards (in the Shortcuts pane).

CRM Dashboards

A CRM Dashboard is a special type of basic Dashboard procedure, which displays a report of live CRM data. This type of Dashboard procedure is created in much the same way as a basic Dashboard procedure, and should be assigned the value CRM in the Application column of the Procedure Generator. CRM Dashboards that are added to Outlook appear under the heading Priority CRM.

Further Reading