Querying Data

OData supports various kinds of query options for querying data. This section will help you go through the common scenarios for these query options.

Filtering a Collection

Use the $filter system query option to filter a collection of resources. The expression specified with $filter is evaluated for each resource in the collection, and only items where the expression evaluates to be true are included in the response. Note that the response to a filtered collection is a collection of the same type, regardless of the number of matched resources.

The following operators are supported:

  • The eq operator returns true if the left operand is equal to the right operand, otherwise it returns false.
  • The ne operator returns true if the left operand is not equal to the right operand, otherwise it returns false.
  • The gt operator returns true if the left operand is greater than the right operand, otherwise it returns false.
  • The ge operator returns true if the left operand is greater than or equal to the right operand, otherwise it returns false.
  • The lt operator returns true if the left operand is less than the right operand, otherwise it returns false.
  • The le operator returns true if the left operand is less than or equal to the right operand, otherwise it returns false.

GET serviceRoot/LOGPART?$filter=FAMILYNAME eq '001'

Response Payload

  "@odata.context": "serviceRoot/$metadata#LOGPART",
  "value": [
      "PARTNAME": "111-001",
      "BARCODE": "111-001",
      "PARTDES": "Sony HT7100DH Home Theater",
      "EPARTDES": null,
      "STATDES": "In Use",
      "EXTPART": 18
      "PARTNAME": "111-002",
      "BARCODE": "111-002",
      "PARTDES": "Sony HT-DDW790 Home-theater",

Filtering a Collection - Dates

Since operators use spaces, which are converted into %20 in the HTTP request, a common pain point is confusing the space as part of the value if it starts with a 20. This is especially true for dates, as YYYY will always start with a 20. For example, in serviceroot/CUSTNOTESA?$filter=STATUSDATE%20ge%2018-02-23T09:59:00+02:00, ge%2018 is incorrect. It should be ge%202018, instead. Another issue is the + symbol, which should be replaced with %2B, instead.

GET serviceroot/CUSTNOTESA?$filter=STATUSDATE%20ge%202018-02-23T09:59:00%2B02:00

Filtering a Collection with Logic Operators

You can use and, and or to create more complex filter clauses.

GET serviceRoot/LOGPART?$filter=TYPE eq 'P' and LASTPRICE gt 200

Response Payload

  "@odata.context": "serviceRoot/$metadata#LOGPART",
  "value": [
      "PARTNAME": "111-012",
      "BARCODE": "111-012",
      "PARTDES": "Panasonic Black Blu-ray Disc Theater SCBT100",
      "TYPE": "P",
      "LASTPRICE": 233.48,
      "EXTPART": 29

You can also use parantheses to enclose logic operators:

GET serviceRoot/LOGPART?$filter=(TYPE eq 'P' or TYPE eq 'R') and LASTPRICE gt 500

Response Payload

  "@odata.context": "serviceRoot/$metadata#LOGPART",
  "value": [
      "PARTNAME": "201-005",
      "BARCODE": "201-005",
      "PARTDES": "Sony White Blu-ray Theater GDGT300",
      "TYPE": "R",
      "LASTPRICE": 678.48,
      "EXTPART": 29

Retrieving Only Records With Changes


Frequently, there is no need to retrieve all records from a given collection, but rather only those records that have been changed in a given time period. You can accomplish this using the $since query option. This will only retrieve results that have been changed since a specified date and time.

GET serviceRoot/ORDERS?$since=2020-01-01T01:15:00%2B02:00

This example would retrieve all order that were changed since January 1st, 2020, after 1:15 in the morning IST. The + of the timezone is econded.

Note that the $since query option is only available for entities that have business process management (BPM) applied to them. However, you can retain the change detection functionality for related entities by using the $expand query option. For example:

GET serviceRoot/ORDERS?$since=2020-01-01T07:25:00%2B02:00&$expand=ORDERITEMS_SUBFORM

This would retrieve the order items for all orders that have had changes since January 1st, 2020.

Sorting a Collection

Use the $orderby system query option to specify ordering criteria. Qualify the sort direction by using the asc or desc keywords.

GET serviceRoot/FAMILY_LOG?$orderby=FAMILYDESC desc

Response Payload

  "@odata.context": "serviceRoot/$metadata#FAMILY_LOG",
  "value": [
      "FAMILYNAME": "0",
      "FAMILYDESC": "Default part family",
      "FAMILYNAME": "007",
      "FAMILYDESC": "Office Equipments",
      "FAMILYNAME": "006",
      "FAMILYDESC": "Work Hours",

Limiting the Number of Entities

Use $top to limit the number of entities from a collection that will be included in the result.

Please note that even if you do not use $top, the upper limit of returned entities is determined by the MAXFORMLINES system constant in Priority.

GET serviceRoot/FAMILY_LOG?$top=2

Response Payload

  "@odata.context": "serviceRoot/$metadata#FAMILY_LOG",
  "value": [
      "FAMILYNAME": "0",
      "FAMILYDESC": "Default part family",
      "FAMILY": -1
      "FAMILYNAME": "001",
      "FAMILYDESC": "Sound Systems",
      "FAMILY": 5

Skipping Displayed Entities


Use $skip to request the number of entities in the collection that are to be skipped and not included in the result.

GET serviceRoot/FAMILY_LOG?$skip=1

Response Payload

  "@odata.context": "serviceRoot/$metadata#FAMILY_LOG",
  "value": [
      "FAMILYNAME": "001",
      "FAMILYDESC": "Sound Systems",
      "FAMILY": 5
      "FAMILYNAME": "00004",
      "FAMILYDESC": "Video Equipment",
      "FAMILY": 62

Combine $skip with $top to divide your entities into pages.

GET serviceRoot/FAMILY_LOG?$top=3&$skip=1

Response Payload

  "@odata.context": "serviceRoot/$metadata#FAMILY_LOG",
  "value": [
      "FAMILYNAME": "001",
      "FAMILYDESC": "Sound Systems",
      "FAMILY": 5
      "FAMILYNAME": "00004",
      "FAMILYDESC": "Video Equipment",
      "FAMILY": 62
      "FAMILYNAME": "040219",
      "FAMILYDESC": "New Family Desc",
      "FAMILY": 153

Specifying Fields

By default, the the OData service returns all available fields for every record retrieved. It’s possible to specify a subset of the fields which is recommended in order to improve network and application performance. This is done using the $select query option. The request below returns the only CUSTNAME, CDES and ORDNAME fields for a specified ORDERS record:

GET serviceRoot/ORDERS('SO17000003')?$select=CUSTNAME,CDES,ORDNAME

Response Payload

  "@odata.context": "serviceRoot/$metadata#ORDERS(CUSTNAME,CDES,ORDNAME)/$entity",
  "CUSTNAME": "T000001",
  "CDES": "Joshua P. Atkins",
  "ORDNAME": "SO17000003"

Combining Query Options

It is possible to mix multiple query options in order to create complex queries:

  • To include the subform of a subform, use the following syntax: $expand=ORDERITEMS_SUBFORM($expand=ORDISTATUSLOG_SUBFORM)
  • When combining options for a subform, use the ; separator: $expand=ORDERITEMS_SUBFORM($filter=PRICE gt 3;$select=PARTNAME,TQUANT,PRICE)

Note: The semicolon (;) character, as well as others, can be sanitized (replaced) by IIS or security policies due to concerns about injection and other types of attacks. If you are receiving a syntax error (error 400) on a successful query to which you added another element separated by a semicolon, this might be the reason. In this case, you can replace the semicolon with URL encoding %3B. For other characters, see here.

The following request shows how to create a single request using $filter, $expand and $select options:


Response Payload

  "value": [
      "CUSTNAME": "T000001",
      "CDES": "Joshua P. Atkins",
      "ORDNAME": "SO17000003",
          "CHARGEIV": 5,
          "KLINE": 1,
          "PARTNAME": "TR0001",
          "PDES": "Almonds, mascarpone & strawberries tart",
          "TQUANT": 1,
          "PRICE": 33,
              "ORDISTATUSDES": null,
              "UDATE": "2017-05-18T09:26:00+03:00",
              "USERLOGIN": "apidemo",
              "KLINE": 15450668
          "CHARGEIV": 5,
          "KLINE": 2,
          "PARTNAME": "FD0001",
          "PDES": "Phistacio Macrons with chocolate",
          "TQUANT": 1,
          "PRICE": 25,
              "ORDISTATUSDES": null,
              "UDATE": "2017-05-18T09:26:00+03:00",
              "USERLOGIN": "apidemo",
              "KLINE": 15450669
      "SHIPTO2_SUBFORM@odata.context": "serviceRoot/$metadata#ORDERS('SO17000003')/SHIPTO2_SUBFORM/$entity",
      "SHIPTO2_SUBFORM": null,
      "ORDERSTEXT_SUBFORM@odata.context": "serviceRoot/$metadata#ORDERS('SO17000003')/ORDERSTEXT_SUBFORM",