Modifying Data
The OData service supports Create, Update and Delete operations for some or all exposed entities. Please note that data modification via the API is only available in Priority version 17.2 and above.
Creating an Entity
To create an entity in a collection, the client sends a POST request to that collection’s URL. The POST body MUST contain a single valid entity’s information. The request below creates a new part family in the Part Families form.
OData-Version: 4.0
Content-Type: application/json;odata.metadata=minimal
Accept: application/json
"FAMILYNAME": "765",
"FAMILYDESC": "My OData Family"
Response Payload
"@odata.context": "serviceRoot/$metadata#FAMILY_LOG/$entity",
"FAMILYNAME": "765",
"FAMILYDESC": "My OData Family",
"TECHFLAG": null,
"DEBITFLAG": null,
"FAMILY": 26
Inserting a Related Entity
To create an entity related to an entity (for example, an ORDERITEM that is part of an ORDER), navigate to the entity using its identifying key property, then specify the related resource in which to insert a new line.
Content-Type: application/json
"PARTNAME": "TR0001",
"TQUANT": 5,
"DUEDATE": "2018-03-15T00:00:00+02:00"
Response Payload
"@odata.context": "serviceroot/$metadata#ORDERS('SO18000002')/ORDERITEMS_SUBFORM/$entity",
"PARTNAME": "TR0001",
"PDES": "Almonds, mascarpone & strawberries tart",
"TQUANT": 5,
"TUNITNAME": "ea",
"PRICE": 33,
"ICODE": "$",
"DUEDATE": "2018-03-15T00:00:00+02:00",
"KLINE": 1
Composite Keys
Certain entities might have a composite key comprised of multiple properties.To specify a composite key, separate the different properties with a comma(,). Key property information is available in the $metadata of the entity.
Content-Type: application/json
"PARTNAME": "TR0001",
Creating an Entity with Multiple Related Entities
You can create an entity with multiple related child entities (for example, an ORDER with the relevant ORDERITEMS). To do so, specify the values for the related resources as part of the request.
POST serviceRoot/ORDERS
OData-Version: 4.0
Content-Type: application/json;odata.metadata=minimal
Accept: application/json
"CUSTNAME": "007",
"PARTNAME": "111-001",
"DUEDATE": "2016-08-01T00:00:00+03:00"
"PARTNAME": "111-002",
"DUEDATE": "2016-08-01T00:00:00+03:00"
Response Payload
"@odata.context": "serviceRoot/$metadata#ORDERS/$entity",
"CUSTNAME": "007",
"CDES": "ACME Inc.",
"NAME": null,
"CURDATE": "2016-08-07T00:00:00+03:00",
"ORDNAME": "SO16000007",
"BOOKNUM": null,
"DOCNO": null,
"PROJDES": null,
If you create or update both the parent entity and its child entity at the same time, the response includes both the parent and child entities.
POST /ui/odata/Priority/tabmob.ini/usdemo/ORDERS HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic YXBpZGVtbzoxMjM=
Cookie: GCLB=CMbzkMzAjKf7ygE
Content-Length: 350
"CUSTNAME" : "00000002",
"PARTNAME": "TR0001",
"TQUANT": 10,
"DUEDATE": "2021-08-30T00:00:00+02:00"
"PARTNAME": "TR0001",
"TQUANT": 11,
"DUEDATE": "2021-09-30T00:00:00+02:00"
Response Payload
"@odata.context": "$metadata#ORDERS(ORDERITEMS_SUBFORM())/$entity",
"CUSTNAME": "00000002",
"CDES": "AACompany",
"PARTNAME": "TR0001",
"PDES": "Almonds, mascarpone & strawberries tart",
"PARTNAME": "TR0001",
"PDES": "Almonds, mascarpone & strawberries tart",
"TQUANT": 11,
Updating an Entity
To update an existing entity, send a PATCH request with the values you wish to modify.
Note: You cannot refer to an entity using its Auto-unique key when sending a PATCH request, as it is a read-only property. Use the unique key instead.
PATCH serviceRoot/FAMILY_LOG('765')
OData-Version: 4.0
Content-Type: application/json;odata.metadata=minimal
Accept: application/json
"FAMILYDESC": "My Updated Family"
Response Payload
"@odata.context": "serviceRoot/$metadata#FAMILY_LOG/$entity",
"FAMILYNAME": "765",
"FAMILYDESC": "My Updated Family",
"TECHFLAG": null,
"DEBITFLAG": null,
"FAMILY": 26
Updating a Related Entity
To update an entity related to an entity (for example, an ORDERITEM that is part of an ORDER), navigate to the entity using its identifying key property, then specify the related resource you are updating.
PATCH serviceroot/ORDERS('SO18000002')/ORDERITEMS_SUBFORM(1)
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic YXBpZGVtbzoxMjM=
"TQUANT": 10
Response Payload
"@odata.context": "serviceroot/$metadata#ORDERS('SO18000002')/ORDERITEMS_SUBFORM/$entity",
"PARTNAME": "TR0001",
"PDES": "Almonds, mascarpone & strawberries tart",
"TQUANT": 10,
"TUNITNAME": "ea",
"PRICE": 33,
"ICODE": "$",
"DUEDATE": "2018-03-15T00:00:00+02:00",
"KLINE": 1
Attaching Files
To attach a file in an attachments form, provide its data URL in the body of your POST request. Note the URL in the example below has been trimmed to keep things short.
Supported file types are based on MIME types allowed by the application server. A list of common MIME types can be found here
POST serviceroot/ORDERS('SO21000113')/EXTFILES_SUBFORM
Content-Type: application/json
"EXTFILEDES": "myorder",
"EXTFILENAME": "data:application/vnd.openxmlformats-
officedocument.wordprocessingml.document;base64,UEsDBBQAAAAIAMhJhUzM9xURzwsAACxjAAAT AAAAY3VzdG9tWG1sL2l0ZW0xLnhtbO1dS28ktxHmhQc..........."
Starting with version 22.0, you can provide an extension in the optional SUFFIX field. In this case the system will use the provided extension rather than identfying by MIME type.
POST serviceroot/ORDERS('SO21000113')/EXTFILES_SUBFORM
Content-Type: application/json
"EXTFILEDES": "myorder",
"EXTFILENAME": "data:application/vnd.openxmlformats-
officedocument.wordprocessingml.document;base64,UEsDBBQAAAAIAMhJhUzM9xURzwsAACxjAAAT AAAAY3VzdG9tWG1sL2l0ZW0xLnhtbO1dS28ktxHmhQc...........",
"SUFFIX": "docx"
Adding or Modifying Text
To work with text, provide a JSON object that contains the text you would like to add. The JSON object should provide the following properties:
Property | Explanation | Example |
TEXT | HTML text, including tags. | Some text more text. |
SIGNATURE | Determines whether to appends the user’s signature to the the inserted text. Possible values are true or false | false |
APPEND | Determines whether the text will replace the existing text or be appened to it. Possible values are true or false | true |
Important: If you accessed text forms before version 20.0 of Priority, you needed to use square brackets [] to access text forms. This is no longer necessary; you should ensure your code no longer includes square brackets.
- If you are working with RTL languages (e.g. Hebrew), it is important that you insert proper direction tags in the text body.
- There is no difference between PATCH and POST for the purpose of working with text. The APPEND property governs whether text is replaced or added.
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic YXBwZGVtbzoxMjM=
"TEXT": "This is my order. <br> There are many like it, but this one is mine.",
"APPEND": true,
"SIGNATURE": false
Response Payload
"@odata.context": "serviceroot/$metadata#ORDERS('SO20000422')/ORDERSTEXT_SUBFORM/$entity",
"TEXT": "<style> p,div,li {margin:0cm;font-size:10.0pt;font-family:'Arial';}li > font > p {display: inline-block;}</style><p dir=rtl><p dir=rtl>This is my order.<br> There are many like it, but this one is mine.</p> <p dir=rtl><font color=\"#0000ff\"><p dir=\"ltr\"><!--pdt-->06/04/20 14:00<!--edt--></p><p dir=\"ltr\">This is how the text looks like when retrieved by the REST API. </p><p dir=\"ltr\"><!--psi-->Sincerely,</p><p dir=\"ltr\">A Humble Documentarian</p><p dir=\"ltr\"></p><p dir=\"ltr\"><!--esi--></p></font><hr ss=\"\"> <p dir=\"rtl\"><font color=\"#0000ff\"></font></p><p dir=\"rtl\" style=\"direction: ltr;\"><br></p> </p> ",
"APPEND": null,
To add images to text forms, insert them as a data URL as part of the text, e.g.:
"TEXT": "<p>This is my order. <br> There are many like it, but this one is mine.</p>
Text Only Forms
Certain specialized text forms in Priority operate in Text-only mode (the :$.NOHTML.T variable is set to 1 for this form). In this case, the text retrieved will not contain any HTML tags, and line breaks are represented by \n.
When working with these forms, inputted text should be in plain text only. Additionally, these forms do not support signatures, and as such SIGNATURE is always treated as false.
Performing Batch Operations
$batch enables you to combine multiple requests into a single request and receiving multiple responses in a single response. For example, to path a part family and retrieve that part family with a single request such as in the request and response payload below.
For more information on $batch, see the official documentation on the OASIS website.
Batch commands are limited to 100 operations in one batch call. In versions before 21.0, this limit was 1,000 operations.
The Priority REST API supports the following features of batch operations:
- Referencing new entities
Note: Once a change is saved by Priority to the database, it cannot be undone (although it may be overwritten). As such, batch operations do not support rollback, be it of the entire batch or inidivdual atomicity groups.
In version 22.1, the response format for batch operations was changed to match the format of the request, e.g. a request in JSON format receives a response in JSON format. Prior to this, responses where always in multipart/mixed format.
You can force a response in the desired format by specifying it in the
Accept: multipart/mixed
POST serviceRoot/$batch
"requests": [{
"method": "PATCH",
"url": "serviceRoot/FAMILY_LOG('765')",
"headers": {
"content-type": "application/json; odata.metadata=minimal; odata.streaming=true",
"odata-version": "4.0"
"id": "g1",
"body": {
"FAMILYNAME": "765",
"FAMILYDESC": "My OData Family"
"id": "r8",
"method": "GET",
"url": "serviceRoot/FAMILY_LOG('765')",
"headers": {
"content-type": "application/json; odata.metadata=minimal; odata.streaming=true",
"odata-version": "4.0"
"dependsOn": ["g1"]
Response Payload
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=changesetresponse_8917b75c-eae7-42a0-bbd8-443db93f1ca6
Content-Type: application/http
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
Content-ID: g1-r1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; odata.metadata=minimal; odata.streaming=true
OData-Version: 4.0
Content-Type: application/http
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
Handling Dependencies with $Batch
One issue with creating an entity with related subentities is that it can be difficult to find where exactly an error occured. By splitting the creation process to distinct chunks using Batch, you can get more relevant error messages and have a clear understanding which command failed and why.
The following request demonstrates adding a new sales order, with each record inserted receiving its own ID:
"requests": [{
"id" : "1",
"method": "POST",
"url": "",
"headers": {
"content-type": "application/json; odata.metadata=minimal; odata.streaming=true; odata.continue-on-error=false",
"odata-version": "4.0"
"CUSTNAME": "T000001"
"id": "2",
"dependsOn": ["1"],
"method": "POST",
"headers": {
"content-type": "application/json; odata.metadata=minimal; odata.streaming=true; odata.continue-on-error=false",
"odata-version": "4.0"
},"body": {
"PARTNAME": "MS0001",
"DUEDATE": "2022-08-01T00:00:00+03:00"
As you can see, the url of the second requests references the new entity created by the first request (with $1). The response payload shown here is in JSON format.
Response Payload
"responses": [
"id": "1",
"status": 201,
"headers": {
"location": "",
"content-type": "application/json; odata.metadata=minimal; odata.streaming=true",
"odata-version": "4.0"
"body": {
"@odata.context": "$metadata#ORDERS/$entity",
"CUSTNAME": "T000001",
"CDES": "Joshua P. Atkins",
"NAME": null,
"CURDATE": "2023-02-22T00:00:00+02:00",
"ORDNAME": "SO23000209",
"ORD": 19811
"id": "2",
"status": 201,
"headers": {
"location": "",
"content-type": "application/json; odata.metadata=minimal; odata.streaming=true",
"odata-version": "4.0"
"body": {
"@odata.context": "$metadata#ORDERS('SO23000209')/ORDERITEMS_SUBFORM/$entity",
"PARTNAME": "MS0001",
"PDES": "Lemon & Coconut mousse",
"KLINE": 1
Deleting an Entity
To remove a resource, send an HTTP Delete to the resource URL.
DELETE serviceRoot/FAMILY_LOG('765')
To remove a related resource (e.g. an order item for a specific order), treat it as updating a related entity, specifying both the key for the resource and related resource.
Remember to take composite keys into consideration.
Error Handling
Since the API is essentially a wrapper around the Priority screens, any errors generated by the screens are included in the response. The example below demonstrates an attempt to create a new FAMILY_LOG entity with an invalid value for the DEBITFLAG field.
OData-Version: 4.0
Content-Type: application/json;odata.metadata=minimal
Accept: application/json
"FAMILYNAME": "765",
"FAMILYDESC": "My OData Family"
Response Payload
<FAMILYDESC>My invalid OData Family</FAMILYDESC>
<text>Specify 'N' or 'Y' as the default value that will be filled in the Billable column of the "Reports of Project Hrs/Expenses" form. /n Leave the column blank if you do not want to have a default.</text>
Refreshing Metadata
Whenever private customizations add fields to a form, these new fields will not appear in the REST API until the REST metadata is rebuilt for that form.
To ease development in cloud Priority environments (hosted by Priority Software or otherwise), the API supports a special API action for refreshing the metadata.
POST serviceRoot/ClearEntityMetadata
In the body of the request, specify the entity where the metadata should be refreshed.
For example:
POST serviceRoot/ClearEntityMetadata
"Entity": "ORDERS"
This deletes the current metadata for that entity. The metadata will be rebuilt when next API request is made to this entity.
If no body is specified in the request, metadata for all entities will be deleted.
There is no need to delete metadata for subforms, as they are included in their parent.
If you need to clear metadata for multiple entities, send multiple such requests (either individually or as a batch), specifying a single entity in each request.