Printing an Invoice

The following example, written in node.js, shows how to print a Sales Invoice.

const priority = require("priority-web-sdk")
console.log('Start running');

async function webSDK() {
    // the config object should be adapted to your Priority environment
  let config = {
    url: "https://xxxx/xxxx/",
    tabulaini: "tabxxx.ini",
    language: 3,
    profile: { company: "xxxxx" },
    appname: "demo",
    username: "xxxx",
    password: "xxxx",
    devicename: ""

  const sdkMessage = (serverMessage) => {
    console.log("This is an SDK message");;

  try {
    await priority.login(config);
    console.log("Your are in!! Enjoy!");

    // WWWSHOWAIV is for printing Sales Invoices. Other types of invoices
    // use other printout programs.
    let procedure = await priority.procStart("WWWSHOWAIV", "P", null);

    procedure = await procedure.proc.inputOptions(1 , 1);
    // Provide your own invoice number for testing puproses. 
    // The value of field 2 (Sort) must match the language you are working in
    var data = {EditFields: [
        {field: 1, op: 0, value: 'IN244B000001'},
        {field: 2, op: 0, value: 'By Invoice/Memo Number'}

    procedure = await procedure.proc.inputFields(1 , data);
    procedure = await procedure.proc.clientContinue();
    procedure = await procedure.proc.continueProc();
    // logs out url of new rew report on the server
    // Use it to grab the printout

    await procedure.proc.cancel()
  } catch (reason) {

Sending a Digitally Signed Invoice

Very similar to the previous example, this time we send the Sales Invoice as an e-document to the customer.

const priority = require("priority-web-sdk")
console.log('Start running');

async function webSDK() {
  let config = {
    url: "https://xxxx/xxxx/",
    tabulaini: "tabxxx.ini",
    language: 3,
    profile: { company: "xxxxx" },
    appname: "demo",
    username: "xxxx",
    password: "xxxx",
    devicename: ""

  const sdkMessage = (serverMessage) => {
    console.log("This is an SDK message");;

  try {
    await priority.login(config);
    console.log("Your are in!! Enjoy!");

    let procedure = await priority.procStart("WWWSHOWAIV", "P", null);

    procedure = await procedure.proc.inputOptions(1 , 1);
    var data = {EditFields: [
        {field: 1, op: 0, value: 'IN244000013'},
        {field: 2, op: 0, value: 'By Invoice/Memo Number'}
    procedure = await procedure.proc.inputFields(1 , data);
    procedure = await procedure.proc.clientContinue();
    procedure = await procedure.proc.documentOptions(1, -4, {pdf: 1, word: 0, mode: 'automail'});
    procedure = await procedure.proc.continueProc();
    // logs out url of new rew report on the server

    await procedure.proc.cancel()
  } catch (reason) {

Downloading a Digitally-Signed Invoice from Attachments

Digitally-signed invoices are automatically attached to the attachments of the relevant invoice record.

In this example we first send the e-document (duplicating the previous example), then access the attachments subform to download it in base64 format.

const priority = require("priority-web-sdk")
console.log('Start running');

async function webSDK() {
  let config = {
    url: "https://xxxx/xxxx/",
    tabulaini: "tabxxx.ini",
    language: 3,
    profile: { company: "xxxxx" },
    appname: "demo",
    username: "xxxx",
    password: "xxxx",
    devicename: ""

  const sdkMessage = (serverMessage) => {
    console.log("This is an SDK message");;

  try {
    await priority.login(config);
    console.log("Your are in!! Enjoy!");

    let procedure = await priority.procStart("WWWSHOWAIV", "P", null);

    procedure = await procedure.proc.inputOptions(1 , 1);
    var data = {EditFields: [
        {field: 1, op: 0, value: 'IN244000015'},
        {field: 2, op: 0, value: 'By Invoice/Memo Number'}
    procedure = await procedure.proc.inputFields(1 , data);
    procedure = await procedure.proc.clientContinue();
    procedure = await procedure.proc.documentOptions(1, -4, {pdf: 1, word: 0, mode: 'automail'});
    procedure = await procedure.proc.continueProc();

    await procedure.proc.cancel()

    // Accessing attachments starts here

    console.log("Form start");
    let mainFormHandler = await priority.formStart("AINVOICES", this.onError, this.onSuccess, '', 1);

    let filter = {
      or: 0,
      QueryValues: [{
      field : "IVNUM",
      fromval : "IN244000015",
      op : "=",
      sort : 0,
      isdesc : 0

    await mainFormHandler.setSearchFilter(filter);
    await mainFormHandler.getRows(1);
    let subform = await mainFormHandler.startSubForm('EXTFILES', this.onError,null);

    let filter_subform = {
      or: 0,
      QueryValues: [{
      field : "EXTFILENUM",
      fromval : "1",
      op : "=",
      sort : 0,
      isdesc : 0

    await subform.setSearchFilter(filter_subform);
    let extfiles = await subform.getRows(1);
    let filename = extfiles.EXTFILES[1].EXTFILENAME;
    console.log("Filename:", filename);
    const filedata = await subform.getFileDataUri(filename);
    console.log("BASE64:", filedata);
  } catch (reason) {

Printing a Price Quotation

In this example, we print out a price quotation.

//Document example

const priority = require("priority-web-sdk")
console.log('Start running');

async function webSDK() {
  // the config object should be adapted to your Priority environment
  let config = {
    url: "https://xxxx/xxxx/",
    tabulaini: "tabxxx.ini",
    language: 3,
    profile: { company: "xxxxx" },
    appname: "demo",
    username: "xxxx",
    password: "xxxx",
    devicename: ""

  const sdkMessage = (serverMessage) => {
    console.log("This is an SDK message");;

  try {
    await priority.login(config);
    console.log("Your are in!! Enjoy!");

    let procedure = await priority.procStart("WWWSHOWCPROF", "P", null);


    procedure = await procedure.proc.inputOptions(1 , 1);
    // Provide your own quotation number for testing puproses. 
    // The value of field 2 (Sort) must match the language you are working in
    var data = {EditFields: [
        {field: 1, op: 0, value: 'PQ24000089'},
        {field: 2, op: 0, value: 'By Quote Number'}

    procedure = await procedure.proc.inputFields(1 , data);

    procedure = await procedure.proc.continueProc();
    // logs out url of new rew report on the server

    await procedure.proc.cancel()
  } catch (reason) {

In this example, we print out a confirmation for a sales order.

//Document example

const priority = require("priority-web-sdk")
console.log('Start running');

async function webSDK() {
    // the config object should be adapted to your Priority environment
  let config = {
    url: "https://xxxx/xxxx/",
    tabulaini: "tabxxx.ini",
    language: 3,
    profile: { company: "xxxxx" },
    appname: "demo",
    username: "xxxx",
    password: "xxxx",
    devicename: ""

  const sdkMessage = (serverMessage) => {
    console.log("This is an SDK message");;

  try {
    await priority.login(config);
    console.log("Your are in!! Enjoy!");

    let procedure = await priority.procStart("WWWSHOWORDER", "P", null);


    procedure = await procedure.proc.inputOptions(1 , 1);
    // Provide your own quotation number for testing puproses. 
    // The value of field 2 (Sort) must match the language you are working in
    var data = {EditFields: [
        {field: 1, op: 0, value: 'SO24000089'},
        {field: 2, op: 0, value: 'By Order Number'}

    procedure = await procedure.proc.inputFields(1 , data);

    procedure = await procedure.proc.continueProc();
    // logs out url of new rew report on the server

    await procedure.proc.cancel()
  } catch (reason) {