Priority Ionic Mobile Library

Priority Software is proud to introduce Priority Ionic - a mobile app development library for building Priority mobile apps.

Priority Ionic is based on Angular, Ionic and the Priority Web SDK, combining them to create the best development library for Priority on mobile. This library provides a set of powerful services and components that make building Ionic apps that integrate with Priority easier than ever.

We built Priority Ionic because we know that mobile is gradually overtaking desktop use. We aim to provide our users with a wide variety of mobile apps that are fully connected and synchronized with their business systems. To achieve this, we need developers building apps that integrate with Priority. That’s where Priority Ionic comes in. We’ve chosen the Ionic framework because we like their design and think that it makes building mobile apps incredibly fast and easy. To assist developers further, we’ve created this core library, that contains functionality you’ll most likely need while developing your app.

Priority Ionic is fully open source and ready for you to use and customize:)

You’re also more than welcome to contribute by opening issues or submitting pull requests.


Priority Ionic provides an easy, customizable and generic mobile library built on top of Priority’s Web SDK.

Priority Ionic is comprised of different types of building blocks such as services, components, popup handlers and more. All interact together and are exported as the PriorityIonicModule.

Services - Services are provided for all the Priority Web SDK methods and entities, such as Form and Procedure. These are high-level APIs that include additional important functionality. These services (or data-services), are singletons provided at the module level, so that data can be shared between all components.

Components - Priority Ionic provides components that display data from Priority Web SDK entities and interact with them. In practice, these are Ionic UI components with additional logic adapted to Priority’s data structure. Components might be better defined as ‘smart’ components, as they interact directly with the data services mentioned above.

Popup handlers - Messages, progress bars and other popup handlers are provided. These can be used to display Priority server messages and progress bars while interacting with the Priority backend.

Entities - TypeScript interfaces are provided for all the Priority Web SDK’s entities, including Forms, Procedures, server messages and more. These allow you to perform type checks when accessing Priority Web SDK entities.

For enhanced customization, there are also some low-level directives and components.

Check out the Services to learn how to integrate Priority into your app and how to get started with real data. Then head over to the components to see what each component looks like and how they are used.

Getting Started

Install Priority Ionic package using npm:

$ npm install priority-ionic --save

Add the PriorityIonicModule to your app’s module imports:

import { PriorityIonicModule } from 'priority-ionic';

  imports: [
export class AppModule {}

Thats it! You are ready to go.